My sister Eva and my mom brought back a Spanish cookbook for me. Great! So, how good is my Spanish? Umm. I'll be working with this one for a while, that's for sure. Anyone wanna help me translate? :)

And the pictures are from my other sister's, Åsa, birthday party a little while ago. She made an excellent lemon-coconut pie, and scrumptions peanut cookies. Yum! I'm definitely not the only baker in the family.
What's that? You want to see kittens? Oh, ok then. Click here!
Hi Anne,
Any help you need with Spanish here I am.
Regards from the cold Dublin.
Ana María E.
Your kitties are really cute. How old are them?
Ana Maria, thank you so much :) Will do!
Miss Piperita - they're just over eight weeks old right now! :)
Even though I don't like cats, I'm ready tohelp with your Spanish!!! =)
Sil (Bs As, Argentina)
Your blog makes me hungry.
Well, I completely understand. I just returned from Italy with three Italian cooking magazines in my luggage. So now I sit there, trying to understand, with a small Italian/French pocket dictionary in hand.
I actually think I will end up *learning* Italian this way!
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