This was originally a cookie I found over at Martha Stewart's website, made with cashews! As cashews are pretty expensive, and this recipe calls for so much of it.. I decided to try them first with another nut: Peanuts. And frankly, they're so good that I'm very glad I did. I'll try them sometime with cashews, sure, but to be totally honest I think they won't be any better than this.
Peanut Caramel Cookies
30 cookies
250 g roasted, salted peanuts (divided)
2 tbsp neutral oil
110 g butter, room temperature
1,8 dl (3/4 cup) brown sugar
1,25 dl (1/2 cup) sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 dl (1 2/3 cup) flour
150 g caramel candies - I used soft Werthers Original
3 tbsp heavy cream
Preheat the oven to 175°C.
Start by mixing 100 g of the peanuts in a food processor until roughly chopped. Put aside. Process the remaining peanuts until they're very finely chopped, and add the oil. Process until you have a creamy mix - think peanut butter, because that's what it really is.
Beat the butter, brown sugar and the regular sugar with this peanut butter, until it's fluffy. Add the egg, and the vanilla. Add the flour, a little at a time, and work to a smooth dough. At the end, add the roughly chopped peanuts.
Roll into balls and put on a lined baking sheet. Bake for 6 minutes. Then gently flatten the balls with a spatula, and bake for 5-6 more minutes. The bottoms should start to color.
Remove from oven, and let cool completely before you make the topping. For that, simply melt the caramels with the cream, and drizzle over the cookies as best you can. Beware - hot caramel is *really* hot, so don't hurt yourself! Let the decorated cookies cool and set completely.
Jordnötskakor med kolatopping
i am an avid reader of your blog. hope you won't mind me tagging you for a meme. feel free to decide whether you would fill it out or not!
du är härmed länkad :-)
I made these cookies too. I did use the cashews because I love them. The recipe came together nicely. Unfortunately, I had to throw most of them away because my family does not like nuts. I could not eat them all by myself!
Great blog!
Katrine - oh, throw away cookies? Such blasphemy! :) I will try with cashews too, they're definitely one of my favorite nuts!
Hi there, I am the happy person who CAN CONFIRM that these cookies are GEORGEOUS !!! Thank you Anne for blogging about them because I will definitely try them for myself. I love any type of nuts, and the saltiness together with the nuttiness and sweet is great ! You have added a new favourite taste pairing to my personal collection - caramel and sea salt !
Herbert came home from hospital yesterday and the first thing we did was - we had coffee and tried your wonderful cookies ! He loved it, indeed, which is the utmost compliment you can get, Anne. Thank you for everything and please excuse me that I will only blog tomorrow. My dear friend Tülin told me that you are such a kind a generous person, and I do believe it - also from your wonderful parcel you sent me ! Thank you again and a heartful hug to Sweden from angelika in Vienna
Angelika, I'm so very glad you liked them! :) I'm a sucker for sweet-salty things myself, and it *is* a bit addictive, isn't it? :)
Hi it's me again, Anne, if you have a free minute and want to have a look: http://theflyingapple.typepad.com/the_flying_apple/2006/01/about_great_tre.html
Thank you so much again and remember that whenever you come to Vienna to tell me in advance, we might happily visit a dozens of coffeehouses ;-) together !!! big hug, angelika
I made theese after you had posted the recipe on the cat forum, and I have to say that they are fantastic (I didn't do the caramel topping though). Fredrik claims that they are perfect to beer thanks to the nuts and the saltiness.
Ooh, sounds so yummy! I'm attempting making these Saturday. I hope mine turn out as good as yours did!
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