Our visit to Gröna Lund, that I wrote about the other day, ended with dinner at Tyrol, one of the old restaurants in the park. They serve Bavarian food (and beer) and it was surprisingly good! I had the Tyrolerschnitzel, a thinly pounded and breaded cut of veal, served with small peas and roasted whole new potatoes. Yummy!
Johanna has directions if you want to make your own schnitzel!
Aaah, jag såg just dina fina rullister till höger där man hittar recepten kategoriskt - mycket snyggt!
hi anne, what a curious combination: bavarian food in a restaurant called tyrol? anyhow. surprised also to see a schnitzel with sauce, which is not tyrolese/austrian as well, unless the escalope is "a la nature" and not breaded. was yours breaded? funnily enough, i recently posted about that grand dish of ours (which doesn't actually originate in austria at all, but still is THE national dish): http://thepassionatecook.typepad.com/thepassionatecook/2005/07/wiener_schnitze.html ...
Johanna - yes, that *is* a bit curious. :) Yes, it was breaded - schnitzel usually comes with some kind of sauce here, and is always breaded. I guess it's a "Swedish" wienerschnitzel!
I did link to your post (see above!) instead of posting my own directions. :)
Hi there,
I'm curious, does anyone know where veal parmigiana actually originates from? What is the history with veal Parmigiania? I've tried googling this but can't seem to find anything at all.
Weird Anne,
I blogged about the schnitzel back in June. Pim's auction should be in planning phase again soon. I've promised her to help make the Swedish portion much larger than last year. Hope you will be part of it again.
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