Sorry for the lack of posts! Me and my mother have spent five days in our wonderful cabin in Dalarna, about four hours north of Stockholm. It's been very relaxing, and we've spent our days reading, sleeping and playing golf. And eating - although nothing very exciting, we've stuck to very light meals. With one noticable exception. See the collage up top? (Isn't Picasa cool?) These are pictures from Rättviks marknad, a huge market that's held for three days every year in the small town of Rättvik. (About half an hour from our cabin.) We strolled around, looked at stuff for sale (ranging from hand-carved full-sized rowboats to socks and garden gnomes) and.. ate. Top left picture - the most wonderful waffle known to man. It was fluffy and vanilla-y, and with a gorgeous golden crust that tasted of caramel. Ah. Topped with whipped cream and strawberry preserves, it was heaven.
Bottom right - that's a kokosboll. Literally, that means coconut ball. (Not to be confused with something else that I need to blog about one day - negerboll.) It's a coating of chocolate and coconut, surrounding.. fluff. I can't describe it much more accurately than that - it's fluff. White, delicious fluff. Probably mostly sugar, eggwhite and maybe some gelatin. Mmm.
I had some kind of interesting sweet fluff concotion when I was in Linz, Australia last year staying with Johanna (The Passionate Cook's) parents. We were wandering through a local funfair and noticed every stall sold these things that looked like cream horns (a cone made of pastry) in all different sizes - the biggest ones you could barely carry! They were just the pastry cone filled with some kind of....well....fluff. Like you said - probably just egg white, gelatine and sugar. My boyfriend thought they looked disgusting, but it was my intention to try local food everywhere we went so I bought myself one (I even chose to have a plate of raw herring rather than a hamburger in Denmark! Yummy!) It was ok. Not great - the pastry was a bit gross, but I imagine the versions sold in plastic wrap at a funfair weren't the best example of their kind. I'm glad I tried it though!
errr- that's Linz, Austria, of course. My fingers just start naturally typing Australia whenever the letters 'A-u-s-t-r' come in succesion (naturally enough!)
I like kokosbolls, especially when they are really fresh. Many years ago I used to do something similar at home quite often, but it was absolutely too sweet even if all my friends really liked it :-)
hi Anne,
sounds like a really relaxing few days. I love the picture collage too!
Niki, how cool that sounds! I really want to try to make the.. err, fluff, myself sometime. It can't be that hard. :)
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