This dish is a Swedish family favorite, and I bet most families eat some sort of variation on this quite often. It's really not very close to the internationally known Beef Stroganoff, that often has mushrooms and sour cream, but this is how it's done in Sweden. Well, not that my version is super authentic - I add a splash of cognac and a little tarragon, which is definitely not what most people would do. Very tasty though!
It's made with Swedish falu sausage, which I think you might be able to find at IKEA in other countries. It's really not comparable to any other sausage - except possibly some hot dogs. It has nothing in common with what's often sold as sausage in the US, but is in fact seasoned minced pork.
Sausage Stroganov
serves 4
600 g Swedish falukorv - falu sausage
1 yellow onion
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tbsp tomato purée
2-300 ml milk
1-200 ml cream
1 tsp tarragon, dried
1 tsp cognac
salt, pepper
butter for frying
Dice the sausage and the onion. Fry in a little butter until the sausage is browned, and the onion soft and shiny. Stir in ketchup and tomato purée. Gradually add the milk and cream - start with just a little, and stir all the time.
Let it cook for a few minutes. Season with dried tarragon, a little cognac, salt and pepper. Serve with boiled rice.
Recipe in Swedish:
Korv stroganov
The ultimate Swedish everyday dish! And so good. We use the cheap but tasty falu sausage from Lidl and sherry in stead of cognac.
falukorg strikes me as being the same as US bologna. Pretty similar. Anybody else make that resemblance?
Mark - interesting! I have no idea as I've never had bologna.. not sure though - falukorv is rarely eaten "raw", but I guess it could be! I hope someone else can input on this, who's had both!
bought today falukorv and will surprise my eaters;) we almost never have sausages at home, may be twice a year-so one time will be spent on this recipe :)
Mark is definitely right - you can by all means substitute falukorv with bologna.
I have to say this - my husband was thrilled by this food, i did not dare to put the cognac, cause our daughter was also eating, though
Ooh, glad he liked it! I don't mind using alcohol in cooking though - it's so little, and it cooks off quickly :)
i did understand from the recipe that one should add the cognac after the cooking. my mistake! will do this dish again and then with the cognac! i do add white wine in risotto and different alchochols in cakes :)
It's still simmering, so it will cook off - you can add it earlier, too, to make sure :) Or just skip it, it's not that big of a difference. :)
Im born and raised in Sweden....and alcohol is not art of the traditional recepie......its something added for those trying to make it more festive. Im about to make it for my husband.....he never had it either....but traditionally its a weekday dish for familys that are workingclass........poor mans stroganoff it was called at first
I don't think alcohol makes it more festive or more of a special occasion, for me the cognac here just adds another flavor. I like that, especially in combination with tarragon, but I mostly make a simpler version with just salt and pepper - it's what my kids and husband prefers.
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