One of my readers suggested this book to me a while ago - Taste of a Traveller, by Brett McGregor who won the first Masterchef New Zealand. I had some trouble locating it, but finally wrote to the publisher - Random House New Zealand, and they helped me. (You can order the book here or here.) And you'd do well to get it - it's a really nice cookbook. Brett shares recipes from several parts of the world - south east asia, Spain, Morocco and of course his home country of New Zealand. I have to admit that last part was my favorite, since I knew so little about it. Spain is much closer, and I have Thai food all the time - but Kiwi Cuisine? I know nothing about that.
His food is bright and flavorful, and the recipes are easy, and always from scratch. Lots of spices, too! The book is full of photos - decent food shots, and also tons of personal photographs from Brett's travels. I think that gives it a more personal touch, which definitely brings something extra to the book.
Thank you for sharing this. Certainly sounds like a book worth getting.
Wow. Opened your blog today and very surprised to see Brett's book. The internet makes the world a small place. I enjoy reading your local recipes (even though some of the ingredients would be hard to get here in NZ. Ligonberries???) and I'm now wondering what Brett put for Kiwi cuisine. The only problem with reading overseas food blogs is the opposite seasons. Just as we are thinking about spring and summer eating the northern hemisphere are breaking out the stews and hearty recipes.
Have been enjoying your blog for a few years now all the way from NZ. Heather
Hi Anne, I certainly love you post im enjoying so far.. I come back for sure
Hi Anne, I certainly love you post im enjoying so far.. I come back for sure
Hi Anne
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through and enjoy the recipes from my book...It was a labour of love and is a true celebration of food and family.
Thanks again
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