I'm featured in Aftonbladet Mat & Vin this weekend - Aftonbladet is one of the daily newspapers here, and Mat & Vin is their food section. Or really, it's not about me, it's about my chocolate truffle cake. Which you should totally make if you haven't already. It was part of a spread about chocolate cakes, and I was experimenting to make it a bit more interesting but in the end submitted the recipe plain.
In the photo, you can see some vanilla-candied limequats, which totally sounded yummy but ended up being.. well, almost inedible. The flavor was delicious - but the skin of the limequats was too thick and chewy, almost impossible to swallow. Oh well! I intended to make it with kumquats, which I believe have slightly thinner peel, and I'll definitely try that for something else soon.
ja, men de är sjukt snygga... får nog bli ett par i mocka dock...
Please post the link when it's available!
Congratulations, Anne!
Congratulations, Anne!!
De där ser riktigt gott ut. tack för inspirationen.
Ahhh, but it is about you, You made the cake! Congratulations.
wow how exciting! Congratulations!
what a coincidence. I was just making some inedible candied orange slices this morning. Oh well, i guess more experiments is needed. Anyway, congrats one being featured!!
Jag var ju bara tvungen att köpa tidningen fastän jag aldrig köper Aftonbladet. Snygg brud, snygg kaka. :-)
Tack Erika :)
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