It's been a while since I posted a soup recipe, and well, maybe it's not exactly soup weather right now. At least it isn't here - but they say it's about to rain for the rest of the week, so hey, maybe some soup will be good.
Use any kind of white whine. I had an open bottle of a fairly sweet wine and that worked out well, but I'm sure any kind will be nice.
Broccoli Soup
(printable recipe)
1 yellow onion
1 garlic clove
1 broccoli stand
50 ml white wine (I used sweet, any kind works)
500 ml water
1 peperoncino (tiny, dried chilipepper)
lemon zest, from 1/2 lemon)
50 ml cream
salt, pepper
milk (optional)
Chèvre creme:
100 g chèvre cheese
2-3 tbsp cream
Coarsely chop garlic and onion. Fry in a little butter, it should soften but not color. Add broccoli (coarsely chopped), wine, water and peperoncino. Cook for 5 minutes. Add cream and lemon zest, and cook for five more minutes.
Blend until smooth - I use an immersion blender, but a regular blender or a food processor works as well - and season with salt and pepper. Stir in a little milk if the soup is too thick.
Make the chèvre creme by crumbling the cheese and stirring in some cream until smooth.
Serve with the chèvre creme, and some good crusty bread and a few slices of Serrano ham.
Recipe in Swedish
Hi, Anne:
I just want to tell you that I am one of your reader in China. I really like what you write about food, any kind of food. I am a food lover, too. Well, just want to say hello, and let you know you have a reader in China.
Have a nice day.
Erica Chan
Yum yum, broccoli soup is one of my favorite soups!
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