Another variation on meatballs, people. These are excellent - the lamb goes so well with lemon, and since they don't have any breadcrumbs, they're more dense and less fluffy than some other versions. (And also gluten-free, by the way.) The secret ingredient - quark, or kesella as it's called here. I used it just because I happened to have some but it was actually excellent and made the balls hold together really well. I can really recommend giving it a try - ricotta might give you similar results if you can't find quark.
Oh, and Titus loved these!
Lamb Lemon Meatballs
(printable recipe)
400 g lamb mince
zest from 1 lemon
100 ml quark
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp dijon mustard
black pepper
olive oil for frying
Mix all ingredients and roll into small meatballs, about the size of hazelnuts. Fry in olive oil on medium high heat.
Recipe in Swedish:
Lammköttbullar med citron
What about using plain drained or greek yogurt instead of quark, which I've never seen in the states?
Deborah - flavorwise I'm sure it'd be great, but I'm not sure what it would do to the texture. Worth a try, I'm sure!
I made this recipé last night... it was YUMazing!
Använder du dig av lätt eller 10%-ig kesella?
Den vanliga, 10%.
Lidia used plain yogurt in her recipe, and added parsley as well. Wish I had the recipe for the lemon sauce!
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