Well, a produce box delivered to the door every other week will inevitably land you with some veggies you don't like. Case in point: endives. I hate, hate, hate endives. Bitter and horrid! So, I tried to mask their flavor in these tarts. They turned out pretty good - but to tell you the truth, they'd be even better sans endives. That's what I'll make next time...
Please ignore the fact that my onions look black - the balsamic turned them very dark, and they *are* slightly over cooked, but burned to a crisp which the picture would have you believe.
Endive, Feta & Bacon Tartlets
(printable recipe)
2 endives
1-2 tsp dried thyme
4-5 small red onions
70 g bacon
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp butter
150 g feta cheese
6 squares puff pastry (frozen)
1 egg, lightly beaten
Thaw the puff pastry for about ten minutes. Cut each one into half, so you end up with 12 rectangles.
Cut the endives in half. Cut out the hard core, and cut lengthwise into thin strips. Fry in half the butter on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Season with thyme, then remove to a plate and let cool.
Halve and slice the onions thinly. Finely chop the bacon. Add both to a pan with the rest of the butter, and fry until the onion has caramelized. Add the balsamic vinegar and let it reduce into the onions. Remove to a plate and let cool.
Divide the endives among the tartlets. Leave a small border around each one. Add the red onion-bacon mixture, then crumble the feta on top.
Brush the edges of the tartlets with the beaten egg, and bake at 200°C for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature.
Recipe in Swedish:
Endivepaj med fetaost och bacon
Skicka endiverna till mig. Ju beskare dess bättre! (nästan i alla fall)
Great combination of ingredients. These tartlets look really tasty. Thanks for introducing the idea.
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