Raspberry Collins
By now, some of you know that me and some of my friends have a party each year on Twelvth Night, or Trettondagsafton as it's known here. (2006, 2007, 2008.) It's a gourmet dinner with 13 courses, and each couple cooks three courses. (I, as hostess, also make a welcome drink and something to nibble on.) So, it's essentially a very exciting tasting menu, and usually quite eclectic! I'll post my recipes soon-ish, and I'm sure Dagmar and Lena will share their recipes on their blogs as well, Tesse isn't blogging, though. So - here's what we ate! We started with drinks, a Raspberry Collins with Olive Hazelnut Cantuccini. And of course, alcohol-free versions for some of us.

Olive Hazelnut Cantuccini
On to the appetizers. We started with a light Vietnamese Pomelo salad, with chicken, papaya and fresh coriander. (Dagmar.) More asian - we then got a spring roll filled with mushrooms and fennel, with rosemary dipping sauce. (Tesse.) Next was a Petit Choux filled with smoked moose. (Lena.) I went last with chicken thai bites - a savory sour-sharp salad in cucumber cups.

Vietnamese Pomelo Sala

Spring Rolls with Mushrooms and Fennel, Rosemary Dipping Sauce

Petit Choux with Smoked Moose

Chicken Thai Bites
Main courses: Tesse offered a very exciting kangaroo filet with Dijon mustard sauce and mashed potatoes. That was followed by one of Dagmar's specialties - potstickers with dipping sauce. I made Jalapeño Shrimp, and Lena finished with a blue cheese pork tenderloin in puff pastry, with a refreshing melon salad.

Kangaroo Filet with Dijon Mustard Sauce & Mashed Potatoes

Potstickers with dipping sauce

Jalapeño Shrimp

Blue Cheese Pork Tenderloin with Melon Salad
Dessert is always my favorite. Lena went first, with a vanilla pannacotta on top of blackberries, finished with flambéed Punsch, a sweet Swedish liquour. I then served a Parfait with orange, strawberries and dark chocolate, with a chocolate glaze. Dagmar hade made the cutest little mini-semlas, a lovely Swedish pastry. And finally, a very light citrus cocktail with candied walnuts and balsamic vinegar.

Punsch-flambéed Pannacotta

Orange-Strawberry-Chocolate Parfait with Chocolate Glaze


Citrus Cocktail with Candied walnuts
I feel extremely lucky to have such talended foodie friends. This is really a lovely tradition, and I hope we can keep it up for many more years!
Vilken fantastiskt trevlig tradition, och vilka läckra rätter sedan! Antar att det måste ha varit gansk små portioner?
(Jag kommenterar på svenska, helt enkelt därför at jag är lat. Och dessutom är kommentaren ämnad för dig, och du förstår ju tack och lov svenska ;).
Hej Anne ! Det ser verkligen jätte trevligt och ambitiöst ut. Verkligen kul att följa din blogg ha det så bra mvh Daniel
You guys are amazing. Thta was quite a dinner.
Please send a round my way! It all looks delicious!!
I'd love to get the recipe for the Olive Hazelnut Cantuccini. it all looks fabulous, gorgeous pictures too!
Wowee wow. Can I come next year?? ;-)
Jeanne, we'd be thrilled to have you here! :)
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