Just a reminder - buy pomegranates while they're still in season. These particular ones were huge, about the size of a cantaloupe rather than the normal size. And delicious! I de-seeded both of them and kept the seeds in a container in the fridge, and snacked on them for at least a week. I can't wait to get more though - they're so tasty! (And, an excellent source for anti-oxidants, too.)
And a handy tip for de-seeding, unless you want pink juice all over yourself and your kitchen: do it underwater. Get a bowl with cold water, divide the fruit into four segments, and gently break apart under water. The seeds will sink, the membranes will float. Very handy!
Oh yeah, that is a really good tip. Thanks!
I haven't found any good ones i Malmö this year, it's a bit dissapointing since I love pomegranades, but i'll just have to keep looking i guess.
Vet du om de går att frysa?
Jag har fryst massor av kärnor som blev över efter min fetaoströra men har ingen aning om de kommer gå att använda sedan, vet du?
CJ - det vet jag tyvärr inte. Det borde väl fungera skapligt men risken är att de fryser sönder och därmed blir vattniga när du tinar.
Under Water??
My suggestion.
Cut through the skin by "the equator". Tear apart in two halves.
Take one half put in plastic bag.
Bang on the skin with a wooden spoon (or similar) until all the seeds fall out.
Oh, I just bought one of these big suckers at ICA yesterday! So thanks for the tip on deseeding, since I've never tried it before.
Stora granatäpplen finns annars i Istanbul - dessa var som apelsiner i storlek, eller större!
Someone gave me this deseeding tip recently and it saves so much time! Such delicious fruit too :)
This is my way, with or witout a plastic bag.
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