I'm not very much of a gardener, but I did try growing my own radishes this year! And with great success, I might add. it turned out to be super simple, I just poked little seeds into a big pot and a few weeks later - voila!

My favorite way to eat them is raw with a bit of butter and salt.
It's my first year of growing too. Can't help but stare at my veg patch in amazement. My intention was obviously to grow food but I don't think I seriously expected it to work!
I have never seen such red radishes!
I may try them next year, which variety did you plant?
Good job Anne! Lovely! I buttered bread, sliced the radishes and added salt and pepper! Oh Yum!
Wendy, that's exactly how I feel :)
Holler - good question.. hm. I'll see if I still have the packet. Red globe or something like that? I'm awfully organized, as you can hear ;)
Winedeb - ooh, yes :)
VEry cute. I love container gardening. No fuss. No muss. No weeding. Congrats.
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