Ok, so last night's Eurovision Song Contest was a bit of a letdown. Or a big letdown, really. The songs? Well, I didn't realise this had turned into such a joke. The great days of Eurovision are definitely over. And when the voting began, I could hardly believe my ears. The ones we had topped as the top ten? Well, almost all ended up on the bottom of the list. I suppose we - all eight of us - just have radically different tastes than the rest of Europe!
Oh well. The party was a lot of fun, and the food was excellent! I made these drinks to start the evening with, and they were great. I made strawberry purée - recipe to come another day - but you can use ready-made if you want to. Or just mash up a few fresh strawberries, but it won't taste as intense.
Frosty Wild Strawberry Cocktail
Serves 2
4 cl vanilla vodka
4 cl wild strawberry liquer
3 tbsp strawberry purée
pineapple juice
cranberry juice
Mix vodka, liquer, purée and pineapple juice with ice in a blender until smooth and frosty. Pour into glasses and top with cranberry juice, which will settle mostly at the bottom, creating a two-tone effect.
Sorry, no exact measures on the juice - it depends on how big your glasses are. I tend to eyeball it.
Recipe in Swedish:
Frostig Smultrondrink
I missed the Eurovision last night, but I know what you mean. It has turned very political, with countries voting for their neighbours.
What happened to voting for a good song?
It is coming into strawberry season in Scotland, so I will try out your recipe.
I think this will be a summer of cocktails for me and my friends!
I have just posted a cola cube cocktail recipe that I tried for the first time last night!
Nice to hear that you had a great time in Switzerland :). I hadn't realised it was this soon when we spoke in April but then me and the passage of time has a rather awkward relationship at the moment.
Do you get your own cheese when it is ready? I assume it is hard cheese.
Holler - the cola cube sounded really interesting! :)
Jessika - time flies here, I'm completely confused. Some things feel like they were months ago - and it was yesterday. So weird! And yes - we *will* get our cheese! They're storing it for about five months, and then they send it here. I'll post more on the cheesemaking, I have so many pictures!
Thanks again for inviting us on Saturday. The food was really nice and I loved the drink!
This drink I will definately be serving in the summer heat of Key West when I return! Photo makes me want one now - 11:10 am, a bit early!
Jag kommer ihåg att jag läste att du tyckte om veronica mars... trodde det bara var jag som hade märkt den ;) visste du att de funderar på att sluta sända den redan?
en petition...
om du vill ha kvar serien
Anonymous - hoppsan! Ja, jag är ett stort VM fan, det vore ju hemskt om den las ner redan. Aaah!
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