Behold, my lovely new little gadget! It's pink, it's shiny and it... cooks eggs in the microwave. Kind of. It's not that great - or well, I haven't really got the hang of it yet, after using it twice. Any other micro-egg-users out there?
I'm on vacation by the way, and computer access is a *bit* restricted here in the wild north (we are in our cabin in Dalarna) so while I'll try to blog as often as I can, there might be a slight lapse here and there.
Hmm... is it a plastic type material? are you sure is safe in microwave? Anyway, it looks cute!
I am new to your blog and have only been reading since last week but I went through all the archives for recipes and I love it! I have one of these microwave egg things - they are useful when you're in a hurry but BE WARNED! If you leave it in just a few seconds too long, it quite literally explodes! There'll be a huge bang, the top will fly off and the egg will splatter all over the microwave. And then you're right back where you started but with a big old mess to clean up too...
Hi Anne, My family has had the microwave egg-maker for years and I love it. Surely I haven't used it in about 5 years now, but I have actually been planning to use them again for quite som while. I think they are great for making both hardboiled and softboiled eggs. Timesaving and yummy!
My Space - oh yes, it's made for the microwave specifically :)
Kate - thank you, that's very good to know!!
Karro, great to hear that you have good experience with these! I'll have to fiddle a bit with mine to get them the way I like them! :)
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