Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Apple picking time

It's apple season! This photo is from Per's aunt Pia's garden, where we went to pick apples on our last visit. We ended up with a large bag of Transparent Blanche, which I don't like much for eating but they're great to cook with.

1 comment:

Pille said...

Hi Anne - I mentioned eating "Valge klaar" apples in on of my recent posts - there's a big tree just outside my window back in Tallinn. And "valge klaar" means "white [&] clear/transparent", so at first I thought you're talking about the same apple. But the apples on the picture look rosy-cheeked and "valge klaar" is greenish-white. They're not particularly nice when underripe but absolutely delicious when ripe & juicy - and they turn opaque when over-ripe!
Enjoy your bounty though!