
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Weekend Cat Blogging - Glinda 2 years

We have a birthday girl! Glinda turns two years old today, along with her brothers Gonzo (aka Smirnoff) and Gideon (aka Bowser, who has a foodblogging mommy too) and her sister Gisele who lives with my aunt.

For more cat pics, you can see a Flickr set of the G-litter as babies here, and of just Glinda, here.

Or for other cats, check out this week's Weekend Cat Blogging, hosted by Catsynth.


  1. Time flies... We celebrated our dear Bowser with his favourite: tuna :-)

  2. Very cute cats!

    Something else entirely, though: I just read your recipe for gingerbread. What do you think of making half of the batch of dough, or even a third? Would that work? I really just want enough for a gingerbread house for Christmas. If IKEA has the dough I'll just get it there, but if not I'll need to make my own...

  3. Lotta, I haven't tried halving that recipe, but I'm sure it'll work. Although you might want to consider doing a large batch of dough anyway - just in case of breakage. It would suck having to make another batch of dough just because you're suddenly out of a roof. :)

    Good luck with the building! :)

  4. Grattis till Glinda!

    Hälsar Rutger med matte Pia:)
