
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Time for some copycat recipes!

I've been cooking quite a bit from other blogs, as always! Here are some of my most current concoctions!

Oatmeal cookies from Bakingsheet - before, and after the oven.

Cornmeal cake from Orangette - this was *great*. I served it with home cooked strawberry-raspberry preserves with vanilla, and whipped cream.

Chocolate Hazelnut cake from Esurientes. I swapped the regular wholewheat flour for "dinkel flour", a very popular kind here in Sweden at the moment. It was a very massive cake - perfect if you're feeding lots!

Rhubarb Cobbler from Bakingsheet. A disaster when I happened to forget the egg - but perfect when I actually did it right. Good thing I had a lot of frozen rhubarb.


  1. Åh, vad gott allt ser ut. Nu blir jag ju hungrig. :P

  2. Everything looks great, Anne. And this reminds me that I have to get a start on my holiday baking, since I always make a few batches of those cookies!

  3. I like your round up! I'm always stealing recipes from other blogs and I like seeing how things turn out when different people make them.
