*sniff sniff* I have a cold, as so many other people this time of year. It's not too bad, and I'm eating satsumas constantly to get more vitamin C - and drinking lots of water. But it sure is pretty outside - clear air, and lots of leaves in many colors.
I've actually made a few bookmarks this past week, too - and I hope you'll see something you like. Maybe find a few new blogs, too?
Cook Sister Jeanne is one of my favorite bloggers, since many, many years. I've been lucky enough to meet her a few times, too, and she's lovely. (The food blogger picnic at the Henley regatta, many years ago now, is one of my fondest food memories!) She's blogged about pasta with chanterelles and toasted almonds - I better make this while chanterelles are still in season!
I've had sweet potato fries before, but baked - not actually fried. I have to try Thai Fried Sweet Potatoes, as posted by She Simmers. They look irresistably crispy and yummy.
I finally got around to post about my homemade dumplings, and a friend eagerly commented on facebook that we should have a dumpling workshop. Well, that friend happens to be vegetarian, so I immediately started looking for good veggie fillings. Most included tofu, of which I'm not a fan, but then I found these with peas and ricotta, by White On Rice Couple. Oooh! And if you happen to have any other ideas for vegetarian dumplings, let me know!
A Swedish blog I really like is Lilla Matdériven (even though I'm not sure how to pronounce it!). She posts a lot of healthy and fun food for kids, and this time, she has tiny little bread rolls with carrots and sesame seeds. I really want to try those!
And as usual, for all my bookmarks, go here.
There's a few recipes from Naturally Ella's food blog (one of my favorites) that are vegetarian options.
I've made the sweet potato ones before. They are absolutely delicious and she bakes hers... which makes them a bit healthier for you and gives the exterior a lovely crunch which is just divine.
These are her newest creation, which I have yet to try. I think I missed the peak corn season in trying these and may have to wait until next year - but they look deliicous.
I've also made some with sweet potatoes + black beans for a more "south western" flavor and then imitation crab + cream cheese for a knockoff of the deep fried crab ragoon served at local Chinese buffets.
Oh thank you, they both look great! And I'm adding the blog to my reader feed!
Some suggestion for vegetarian filling for dumplings: sliced omelette, chinese mushrooms (dried shitake mushroom), chinese cabbage, wood ear mushrooms.
My personal favourite is chinese cabbage, wood ear mushrooms, chinese mushrooms and minced pork or chinese cabbage, omelette, shrimps and wood ear mushrooms.
Here's my version I did a while ago
We're always looking for some good recipes to try in the kitchen at papajayscafe.com, we're a family owned business in Geneseo, constantly trying to expand our menu. Thanks for all the great ideas!
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