Ooh, I just recieved this little beauty in my mailbox! It's a Microplane box grater, and I have high hopes for it! My old box grater is.. well, old. Perfectly serviceable, but hard to clean and I'm always worried that I might scratch myself. While I think *that* is a concern with this new one as well, the cleaning issue has been solved! This one has removable sides, that you can slide out and wash in the dishwasher. Pretty cool - and I look forward to trying it out.
Snälla, HJÄLP MIG VAD DET HÄR ÄR FÖR EFTERRÄTT: http://elvirakarlgren.blogg.se/2011/september/hjalp-mig-vad-heter-den-har-efterratten.html
jättetacksam för svar! kommentera i det inlägget om du vet :)/
Be careful, the Microplanes are VERY sharp. This often results in shorter fingernails or bloody knuckles. They are a wonderful tool but caution is important.
I have one of those and it is a great tool! Sharp, very sharp as already noticed.
I love microplanes and didn't know they did a box version! Very useful - I'm off to check them out now :) Thanks!!
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