Or at least, almost here! It's sunny and not as cold as before, and most of the ice seems to be melting off the streets, leaving gravelly slush behind. Ok, that part is not so appealing, but I hope it will be gone completely in a week or so. I can't wait to get out my new spring jacket, and I already have to use sunglasses. Spring. At last.
What you see in the photo: potato pancakes, one of the tastiest and simplest things there is. Just take potatoes, grate them - some coarsely, some finely. Squeeze out as much liquid as you can. Add an egg, salt and pepper. And fry. Top them with anything you'd like - I had sour cream, bacon, red onions and Västerbotten Cheese, or eat them plain, I like them like that too. They're irresistibly crispy and salty, and always hit the spot for me.
As you might have noticed if you read my Twitterfeed, I'm also pretty interested in makeup, and read a lot of makeup blogs as well as food blogs. One of them is called Lip Gloss Bitch, and she's always a good read - it's in Swedish though. She's hosting a giveaway for a MAC Mineralize skinpowder - let's hope I win, I sure could use some bronzer!
I just named your blog for a blog-event of mySwissChocolate collecting donations for Japan: http://hamburgkocht.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-spenden-aktion-fur-japan-von.html Unfortunately, an English translation seems missing ob their homepage, their blog is German only.
Thanks for the recipe! My other half is Swedish so perhaps I ought to bookmark this. His mum makes awesome potato pancakes so I'm not sure I dare try it though!!! I would also need to go to Ikea to buy some lingonsylt to go with them! :-)
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