Modern fransk husmanskost ("Modern French Home Cooking") is written by Yvan Cadiou who's a highly trained French chef from Brittany. He's done some cooking shows for French TV and BBC, and has written cookbooks in French - this one, however, is as far as I can tell only available in Swedish. First of all, the name totally puts me off. It seems so boring, and frankly, anything but modern. And not very suited to the chef - just look at his website!. Then again, maybe it's well suited to the book, which is also.. well, not that modern. I expected to be surprised and inspired, not to see the same ratatouille, salade nicoise, pot au feu and duck a'l'orange as in every other French cookbook. Not to say that it's not delicious - it sure is - but it's not what I think of as modern, exactly.

Hela årets kokbok ("Cookbook for the whole year") is written by Fredrik Eriksson who runs Långbro Värdshus in Stockholm and is well known for being an advocate for locally produced food. His "year" isn't really a whole year though - it starts with Easter, moves through early vegetables into the grilling season, then on to shellfish, harvest time and finally christmas. Food-wise, maybe that is a full year? I'm not sure. Either way, with 200 recipes, you'll certainly be busy for the whole year!

Johanna fixar Fest ("Johanna holds a party") by Johanna Westman is a book to help you arrange children's parties. Or really, if you *are* a kid, it's to help you hold your own party. I love how Johanna's books (she's written quite a few) are never dumbed down, but they're still simple and clear enough for kids to use. The book has a whole year of parties - and not just the obvious holidays either, no, this also has Chinese New Year and waffle day in addition to things like Valentine´s, Easter and Christmas. Each occasion has general party ideas, some tips, but mostly recipes which is why I think this is a cookbook first and foremost rather than a party-planning book. And as such, it holds a much wider appeal. This is great - even if you don't have kids, or if you don't really throw parties. I think my favorite chapter is "Mother's Day, and other luxury breakfasts" and I can hardly wait until Titus is old enough to read...
Hej Anne. What is your favorite Swedish Food Holiday? Patrice
Oh, Christmas is really the only holiday where I feel I need to have a certain kind of food. Easter, Midsummer's - I don't really care, as long as it's good. :)
The Johanna cookbook sounds great. It would be appropriate for the children where I cook/bake. I work at a Children's Center (in NY, so yes, your NYC trip sounds interesting) and this is appropriate.
I wish I could speak Swedish! I vow to learn it one day. All of the cookbooks look so interesting, particularly the last two. Perhaps you could share with us your favorite recipes from each book in English translation? :)
Also, if I may be so bold, what type of food is your favorite? I.e- Swedish, French, Italian, etc.? I am curious.
Welcome home!! Can't wait to hear about your adventures...Kate :-)
Lizzy, as I use them, absolutely! And as for cuisine.. I like it all! If I had to pick a preference.. maybe American. Or Mexican. But I rather not pick - I don't want to leave out Italian, Thai, Chinese, or anything else :)
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