Some of you might know that I sometimes create tiny jewelry from fimo (a sort of polymer) clay. I haven't done much since before Titus was born, but I recently got going again, which means I have some new ones to share with you. And I do mean share, because I'd love to give away two sets of earrings - each featuring Swedish "lussekatter" or Lucia Buns.
And if you win, you have to promise to wear them on Lucia Day, which is December 13th! I wish I could send you actual Lucia Buns as well, but since they dry out extremely fast they don't travel very well. Sorry! (But I do have a recipe, of course.)
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and don't forget to leave your e-mail or some way to contact you. The giveaway is open until Sunday, Nov 29.

This also means I have some mini cupcakes (and some more lucia buns, and one pair of Princess Cake earrings) for sale. They can be made into earrings, or as pendants with lobster clasps. Check out the Flickr Set - anything that says "available" is still for sale. (Basically, start at the bottom - that's where the new stuff is.) E-mail me for prices. All hardware is sterling silver.

Oh i'd love a pair of those earrings... they look amazing! =)
wo, it's so cute. may i have one? :)
They are so cute :)Few weeks ago I saw the pics of Lucia buns & they seemed to be very tasty. I will definitely try to make them :)
Please include me in the drawing.
Natalija (Italy)
You are so talented! And you spell so well-
I dont have anywhere to put the tiny beautys- and will be in Denmark om Lucia, with no buns and no "Luciatåg". I hope that the one who gets them wear them well.
Love C
I never win when I really desire something....
I can´t promise to where a pair, cause I don't wear earrings. But one on a chain ,,,
They are lovely, wonderful christmas gifts to my friends.
Åååh vilka coola! Såna vill jag ha :-) Perfekt att ha på Lucia hos dagmamman :-D
Underbara! De vore perfekta till min svägerska, som till skillnad från mig både bakar och har hål i öronen. Jag kan inte lova att hon bär dem just till Lucia, men hon brukar ha juliga örhängen vid julens högtider.
Helt underbara!
Jag som älskar unika örhängen, skulle verkligen vilja ha ett par.
Your creations are so cute. If I win I will happily wear them on Lucia Day.
Those are TOO CUTE! Nice work.
The Lucia earrings are fabulous! Of course I'd wear them. Esp. that I'm planning to bake a version of Lucia buns that are up to my standards (so far I tried once & they were barely edible). AND my grandmother's name was Lucia...
Ååh, vilka häftiga! Klart jag vill vinna dem och SJÄLVKLART skulle jag använda dem på lucia och troligtvis även julafton ;)
Hej Anne!
Min fru ääälskar lussebullar, och båda hon och jag skulle bli SÅ glada, om jag (du ;-) kan ge henne dessa som en adventspresent innan lucia!
Självklart skulle vi älska att få smaka lite av dina lussekattar också!
Om jag vinner, kan du maila till "jan at lindhardsen punkt org" ... Please...
oh I would love a pair!!
Utterly adorable & delicious. Just like your recipe:)
how adorable!
If I win, just leave a comment on my blog (see link above) -- thanks so much for the giveaway! :-)
Very unique & sweet, Anne!!
Can you make mini Lenten Buns or Cinnamon Buns?
Glad you like them! :)
Pene - cinnamon buns don't turn out too well, and I don't have the right equipment for making the whipped cream look right for the lenten buns, so basically - no :)
These are really cute Anne!!
I wouldn't wear them only on Lucia Day you know!!
I wish I could find some saffron here in France, so that I could make lussekatter!!
De är jättesöta :D
Love the Lucia Bun earrings. Very cute.. I bought yeast today, so tomorrow we're baking lucia buns, gingerbreads and Havre Kex (oat cracker).
Dear Anne,
i love your website because I'm an American married to a Swede living in Colorado. I use your English website all the time as a resource for all kinds of Swedish dish. I love the prinsesstårta earrings as it is one of my most favorite desserts.
wohoo would love to win lussekatterna!
snarkybang at gmail dot com
I promise to wear them on Lucia Day here in Toronto! I would actually wear them all week long at my cafe' while making Lucia Buns!! How perfect would that be??
Please include me in the drawing- I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Such cute little creations. I would love a pair.
What a lovely earrings you had!
Vilka underbara lussebullar!!
Skulle kunna bära dom året om..
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