There's a Swedish candy, made by Ahlgrens, called "bilar". That means "cars", and cars they are. Small, foamy cars, in pink, white and green. They're delicious - one of my favorite types of candy. And apparently our Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang likes them too, because he's taking them into space on the soon-to-leave (hopefully) space shuttle! Pretty cool! Because of this, Ahlgrens decided to do a very very very limited run of "space shuttles" rather than cars, in a special bag. They're only making 100 bags - and I have one!
It's up for grabs - just leave a comment (and make sure I can reach you if you win) and tell me what candy YOU would take with you on a space shuttle!
I'd bring a big bag of Djúpur. An Icelandic speciality made of liquorice dipped in chocolate and then dipped in a white crispy cover. It's delicious and the texture is just perfect when you chew them.
I would take a box of Smarties. I like the colours, and the crunch of the sugar surface. Though I would imagine it would be a challenge to eat them, or it could be a lot of fun?
Chocolate. Palmira from Valrhona and Mangaro from Michel Cluizel. They give me an energy boost like nothing else.
I like the pick-a-mix candies as I usually don't have favourites. Though I must say cherry lips and sour dummies are my favourite. Yum yum.
Holly ♥
I would bring crunchies because they are so good and because it would be fun chasing after the crumbles....
I live in Sweden, if I win I will email you my adress. I have read your blogg for two years now, actually got it from a friend in Australia who was reading it=)
I'd probably bring a bag of Daim. I live in Athens, Greece and I can only find it at IKEA so I make sure i visit it often :-)
I am a swede living in India, and there is no IKEA around, and chocolate always melts on the way here. Last time I brought some bags of ahlgrens bilar, but sadly they are finished now. But I would bring Truly Juicys berries in love - which has such a great mix of really tasty berries ans liquorice. and I would bring a bag of my favourite pick and mix candy as well - like caramel liquorice, chalks and raspberries.
I would take dark chocolate, maybe Anton Berg 81% Fair Trade chocolate... so good!
My husband would take Bilar! :)
He introduced them to me when we were living in Texas and now we are living in Malmö so there is an abundance of them but back in Texas they were only at IKEA.
I know I shouldn't beg for the bag but I'd really love to give it to my husband as part of his birthday present. He is turning 25 so I am buying him 25 bags of his favorite candies.
Oh, my email address is fruette21@gmail.com
Favourite candy... Djungelvrål - since in space noone can hear you scream!
I always buy these when I go over to Lund with work, they are yummy!
I'd take some aniseed balls, I love anything aniseed flavoured and they last a long time, so I could make them last!
I would bring something that isn't sticky and isn't crumbly. It should also be good for my throat.
Hmmm, what can that be. A box of Läckerol?
I would bring home made trouffles (tryfflar?) because in every single bite, you find a little piece of god :)
You will find me at södermalm!
I'd bring some salt liquorice. I'm pretty sure that none of the other astronauts would try to steal it.
Jag skulle ta med mig Jätte Salt i den söta transparanta lilla påsen med en gul och grön jätte på som jag älskar att stoppa i munnen tills gommen går sönder på mig! :) Sen hade jag tittat ner på jorden och känt mig som en jätte.unrea
I would bring "violknattar", little violet flavored candies. Violently addictive! I always buy them and put in my children's Saturday bag of candy. But they never see them, they are gone before my kids reach the bottom of the bag.
I would bring Bilar! My sister in law is Swedish and got everyone hooked when she moved to the US. We request it regularly when they take trips home (we have no IKEA where I live).
I'd bring Toblerone white chocolate. Loved it since I was a kid, and only partly because of the cool shape! I could spend hours afterwards cleaning my teeth in the cold darkness of space...
(If you comment back, I'll get an email and contact you for my swag!)
I'd bring a bag of M&M's so that I could throw them around in the space shuttle at everyone and they could catch them in their mouths. I'd also be tempted to bring a bag of Gummy Bears so that I could get them wet and throw them to the roof of the shuttle - just like we did in high school (or rather other people did - I was WAY too mature). ;) I just wanted to comment, don't spend the money on sending me any candy.
I'd take Cloetta kex, my favorite Swedish treat. I've always thought of them as cookies but a Swedish friend said they are considered candy over there.
Jag skulle ta med mig en burk med "Fruit Drops", sådana man kan køpa på danmark- och norge færjan. Du vet, sådana som kommer i en liten plåtburk med grønt lock. De ælskar jag :)
email: ica_angelic@hotmail.com
dear Anne,
you've been nominated an creative blogger by me because of your active blog and your variety of recipes and information.
Sorry Anne,
just forgot the link to my post:
I'd bring 2 bars of the 'Firecracker' bar by Chuao Chocolates. It's a dark chocolate bar (70% cocoa content) with chipotle, salt and popping candy. It's a fun, deliciously rich "party in your mouth" experience.
I would LOVE to try Bilar because I love fun textures - and foamy and light sounds fun! I just ate a bag of "astronaut ice cream" yesterday and love its creamy taste and fun and light texture...freeze-dried ice cream is SO good! This is the other fun thing I'd bring to eat in space. It's not technically candy, but it's not authentic astronaut ice crean either, as I heard that the real thing is quite different.
I'd take some real dutch liquorice, preverably the extra salty type :)
teufelmiri@ hotmail.com
I would take a big bag of "djungelvrål" and watch how the other austronauts will make funny faces when they eat them ;P
I'd bring something as plain and dull - and lovely - as Cloetta's Kexchoklad. I just love it. (And it must be ok to crumble in space...mustn't it...?)
Given my incurable motion-sickness, I'd probably take a bag of crystalised ginger candy :)
Yeah, I don't think I'd make a very good astronaut. The candy is adorable though.
Chocolate, of course. Is there any other candy worth mentioning? ;-)
Hej! Har inte alls med tävlingen att göra (även om jag skulle ta med mig Marabou mjölkchoklad)... Men jag har en fråga till dig som nybliven mamma och "matmedveten". Jag har en 6mån dotter och gillar inte tanken på att ge industrigröt och välling. BVC pch Livsmedelsverket rekommenderar ju köpegröten bla pga järnberikningen. Men det kan ju inte vara riktigt att man inte ska kunna göra närande gröt/väling själv. Jag har börjat koka gröt och välling själv baserat på recept från www.alternativbarnmat.se. Smular med tunnpaltbröd för att få med järnet. Hur har ni tänkt att göra? Jag är naturligtvis lite oroad över om jag ger mitt barn näringsbrist, samtidigt är det väl dit industrin vill ha mig:-(
Marie, jag har en massa idéer om det. Maila mig så kan vi prata lite lättare - länk finns i profilen! :)
Nothing else other than lots of Swedish Fish (especially the red colored ones)!
Vem vann tävlingen till slut?
Karlavagnen - kommentar nr 20. :)
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