Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meet Titus, the tiny chef

Born May 14 at 8.44 am
Weight 3710 g
Length 51 cm


Jessica said...

Many hugs to the three of you!!

Badger said...

Oh, he is beautiful! Congratulations!

Lara said...

Congratulations! He is wonderful!

Angelica said...

What a beautiful little boy! Congrats!!!!!!!!

Catofstripes said...

Many congratulations.

Rebecca said...


emilia said...

Dear Anne, compliments for your lovely Titus

Lena said...

Grattis Anne! Vilken fin liten kille.

Anna Banana said...

He's gorgeous! Sleep when the baby sleeps...

sockerdricka said...

Stort grattis Anne! =)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Anne! Best thing you baked yet ;)

Finla said...

He is so so cute, Congragulations.

AstridVU said...

YEAY, good job Anne! He is georgious!!! Enjoy these baby times! Best of luck to you

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Congratulations! A beautiful baby!



Pam said...

Congratulations! Boys are so much fun!

Maki said...


Tiggy said...

Grattis till minstingen! :-D

Linda said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! I have been thinking of you all day!

Dagmar said...

He's beautiful!!! Many congratulations again!

Jenny/hjarterdamen said...

Grattis! Vilken liten sötnos! :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne, Congratulations to you and your husband and welcome to the world,Titus!


Samekissen said...

Grattis!!! :)

Melody said...

What a handsome little man! Congratulations!

Helena said...

Vilken liten sötnos! Grattis!

Anna-Karin said...

Ljuvlig!! STORT grattis till er!

Veronica said...


Pille said...

Palju õnne, Anne!! Titus is such a cool name :)

Lina said...

Så fin han är!

Kram! :)

TeachMom said...

Grattis! Han är bedårande!

Anonymous said...

Grattis Anne och Per!

liuia drusilla said...

Congratulations! :)

Colours and Textures said...

Many congratulations and hope you have many happy times.

Christian Bayerlein said...

oh,han är så söt! Många grattis! Hälsningar från en vän från Tyskland!

Dawn said...

Congrats!!!! He is beautiful!!! Congrats once again to all three of you :) Job well done :)

fenix said...

bra bakat :D en ljuvlig liten sötnos - och de luktar godare än bullar!

debbie koenig said...

Yay! He's gorgeous! Welcome to the world, little Titus!

Valeria said...

He's really beautiful, he looks so healthy! You can be proud of yourselves :) Congratulations and many hugs to you all!

Mariya said...

Congratulations to you both Anne, to Titus and you! And to your husband!

Annika said...

Welcome to the marvelous world of motherhood/parenthood! Vilken söt gosse, och grop i hal´kan har han dessutom!

Carola said...

Grattis till er båda och den lille kocken :) Tusen kramar !

Heatherfeather said...

Ohhhhh! Such a cute baby! Congratulations Anne!

Laia said...

Hs is very, very nice
One kiss for he***

Lena said...

Åååå... han underbart söt! Massor med kramar till er alla tre!

elin said...

Jättegrattis! Hoppas allt gick bra!

Salmiak said...

Awww.. welcome to the world little Titus! :)

Hoppas allt är väl med er alla.


Viktoria Schiöler said...

Stort grattis! Så fin han ser ut.

Hoppas det är bra med dej.

Zarah Maria said...


zelca said...

Jättegrattis, vilken sötnos!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Per (and all the kitty "aunts" and "uncles.") :-)

Ellen Freider said...


kendall said...

congratulations anne - a beautiful pink little bub - just gorgeous.

Nina said...

He's adorable! Congratulations!

Goody said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy.

alissa said...

Congratulations! He's gorgeous :)

Unknown said...

A big congratulation and LYCKA TILL from Toronto!

Filippa said...

En sån söt liten kille, grattis grattis !

Xtian said...

Hela Redaktionen sänder sina varmaste hälsningar till hela Familjen och säger välkommen till Titus!

Katie said...

Oh wow Anne he's so cute. Congratulations!

Michadelica said...

Grattis till hela lilla familjen! Vad fin han är, lille Titus! :)

Stranger said...

Gratulerer :)

Clivia said...

Nämen sicken liten goding! Och sover så gott. Nussa på!

Bodil said...

Grattis! Vad fin han är!

Ehva said...

Grattis till er alla tre...han e sååååå söt....kramar moster Ehva

Karin said...

Grattis till er båda!

Anonymous said...

Men åhh!! Så näpet söt! Vilken liten goding!! STOR GRATTIS från Öland! kram kram

Marjoke said...

Congratulations your sun looks so lovely.
Hope you'll enjoy your little man.
Maybe not only a little chef but a little painter as well as he's named after the son of Rembrand

Admin said...

Grattis något så enormt mycket från oss Krokodilrumpor!

Kristofer said...

Congratulations, best wishes to all of you!

Andreas said...

Det var det näpnaste! Och vilken lyckost som får växa upp med din goda mat... Stort grattis!

square kitchen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
square kitchen said...

Toutes mes félicitations, Felicidades.
I wish You best of luck...

Dianne said...

Congrats! He's adorable!

Nikki said...

So nice to meet you, Titus!!

mb said...

Welcome to the world little Titus
You are a very handsome little man

karlsfoodie said...


Amelia S. said...

Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family!

Puglette said...

what a lovely little biscuit you cooked up! titus is just adorable. best wishes to you and your family.

monique said...

what a beautiful boy anne. You both must be smiling the cheesiest grins. Have a nice restful recovery, and I'll see you when you're back in the kitchen :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on arrival of your little blessing!!! Aimee

Can Duman said...

An easy guess: He will cherish having you as his mum.

annamaria said...

Grattis till er lille guldklimp! Så fin han är.

Pene said...

Now a whole new life depends on you.
Enjoy the time you that you will have together. Hugs to you all.

Lotta said...

Världens sötaste - och vilket fint namn. Hoppas att allt gick bra.

e said...

Stort grattis!

amelia said...

what a beautiful little boy, and a great day to be born, my birthday too! congrats to you all.

Rachel said...

Ahhh, congratulations! How exciting. :)

Hana Choi said...

Congratulations!! What a beautiful, healthy boy! Hope mom is recovering and eating well :)

Honeybee said...

What a beautiful boy! Congratualations and all the best to you!!

Christy said...

Congrats!!! What a cutie :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been reading you for years from SF. I'm soo happy for you both! Congrats and have fun. Once you make it through this first month it'll keep getting better and better. Woo Hoo! :-)

Elina Jonsson said...

åh stort grattis..!

onemorehandbag said...

I was away for 4 days and when I checked your blog this morning was very impressed that you are blogging elaborate cake-decorating stories already so soon after giving birth: super woman!... Many congratulations on the beautiful mini-chef.

Jeanette said...

Vilken liten sötnos. Grattis till er båda! Kram Jeanette

katarina said...

stort grattis till er alla 3!!

Annika said...

Stort grattis! Han är vansinnigt söt. /Annika

Jelly said...

My computer was broken, so I missed your announcement. Congratulations to you and your husband. What a darling baby boy!

Reine said...

Sooo cute! Congrats! Our little daughter Emeline was born on Mothers Day morning at 8:22 :)

Colleen said...

Oh Anne, congratulations to you guys!! What a cutiepie. I wish your family all the very best. I have been away from blogs for quite a while so missed out on this...hugs to you xxx