One of the quickest, and tastiest dinners, in a long time. I had a red pepper in the fridge, half a packet of feta cheese, and one spicy sausage, begging to be used up. I diced the sausage and pepper, and fried each in a bit of olive oil. I also fried some diced onion with the pepper. I put it all on top of pita bread, topped it with feta cheese and placed them in a 200°C hot oven for 7-8 minutes - just to get the feta soft and a little bit browned.
Recipe in Swedish:
I love making these for lunch. Much more interesting than sandwiches.
I think I know what's going to go on our Friday night dinner menu...!
Tack för titten! :-D Dessa Pizzor ska absolut prövas inom kort! Enkelt & ser fruktansvärt gott ut!
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