Another dinner you can easily whip up in the time it takes you to boil some pasta! I love this - for me, it's a simple variation of a dish called "Korv Stroganov" which is a sausage version of "Beef Stroganov". While usually made with sour cream, I've never taken to that myself, I much prefer cream of some sort. (Feel free to experiment, obviously!)
Swedish falu-sausage is very fine-milled and mild. It's actually quite similar to simple hot dogs, so use that if you don't have access to "falukorv" as it's called in Swedish.
Chorizo Stroganov
Serves 2
200 g Swedish "falu-sausage" or something similar, diced
1 chorizo, thinly sliced
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
salt, pepper
250 ml cream - I use single cream
1 tbsp tomato purée
olive oil
Fry the chorizo in a little bit of olive oil until crispy. Remove from the pan, and fry the other sausage in the same pan. When it has browned a little, add garlic and onion, and fry for a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the chorizo again, stir in the cream and season with tomato purée and more salt and pepper if you'd like. Serve over pasta.
Recept på engelska:
Chorizo Stroganov
Hi Anne,
I follow your blog since a couple of weeks. I like your way to cook and your food posts. Good job with the chorizo saussage.
I really liked your sushi-post a couple of weeks ago. greetings and happy easter
Chorizo Stroganov - what a concept! I love all kinds of Stroganoffs & this one seems to be no exception :)
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