I recently went to Formex, a large design show, and saw some fun kitchen-related things I thought I'd tell you about. Above, though not extreme kitchen-related I suppose, are my new camera straps that I ordered from Straps By Leslie on Etsy - I love that site so much. These are for my new compact camera, but I've ordered another one from another Etsy shop for my large Nikon - I hope it shows up soon.

Don't want a huge espresso maker in your kitchen? Or are you perhaps an avid hiker? Then the Handpresso might be for you. I was sceptical, but the coffee tasted really nice - definitely not worse than any other espresso made from pods that I've had.

I love my ceramic knife by Kyocera, but the handle which is made from regular plastic can be quite slippery if your hands are wet. So, these knives, by Satake and sold by Vikingsun looked really interesting. The handle feels rubbery and has a really nice shape to it - definitely a future investment for me!

Vikingsun also sells this really cool grinder, the Spice Boy. What's special is that it's really, really strong, and you can easily make custom blends - including notoriously hard things like star anise or long pepper - for it. And it looks good. I have a red one that I use for pink rock salt, but I'd love to have more.. say, one for salt, one for black pepper, one for more exciting mixes... at least.

Speaking of salt - in Sweden, regular salt is generally sold by just a few manufacturers, and it usually comes in rather ugly large sifters. SaltDeco to the rescue - these are specially designed stickers that you cover up the ugly sifter with, to make it much prettier thing that you won't be ashamed to put on the table. Well, in theory at least - I think some of the patterns are quite hideous, but the idea is nice.

Last, but most definitely not least, something that's been on my wishlist for quite a while. Nytta Design makes these gorgeous, gorgeous aprons... they look so good, and I can't even decide what color to get. If you order 50, you can get a custom color - maybe that'd be something to do for my blog readers! :) Well, until I manage to decide *that*, I know that I at least want a red one...
A beauiful place to go for shopping with tell thos wonderful stuff
Oh i love the stripes for the camera, might order on a well!
And btw, I got the red apron from Nytta Design that i won on last Formex. Its really comfy!
Oh Elin, you were the lucky winner?! :)
I don't cook that much yet... but I want those aprons! Is there apricot pink? :D
I'll definitely plan a visit to these shops next summer! (if I gather enough money to go on vacation, that is!)
Ja fy fan, det röda var fint du! ^^ En kvarn kan jag tänka mig också. Däremot hoppar jag nog saltdekoren, haha!
Those aprons are so delightful!
Those are aprons?! Wow, very stylish indeed. I think some of the beauty would be lost, depending on what you were wearing underneath. I mean, who cooks naked, wearing just an apron? :-)
Wow, handpresso sounds like just the thing for me! Who'll buy me one as a present :)?
Those aprons are the cutest thing!
I love the aprons and would like one, but I don't know how to translate the price to U.S. dollars. Can you pleas tell me how? It's too bad I can't read the language because there are soo many cool things but i have no idea what they are for.
Krista, use a currency converter such as this one: http://www.xe.com/ucc/
They apologized for not having their site in English yet, but try e-mailing eva@nyttadesign.nu - she might be able to help :)
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