Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Goose Day

Today is "Mårten Gås", the traditional day for a goose meal in Sweden. Or actually just in southern Sweden, Skåne. It's not a tradition I've ever had, so I'm not cooking a goose this year either. I never have. In fact, I can't remember ever eating goose.

Anyway. A goose is of course served, alongside baked apples and prunes (sometimes stuffed into the goose), but before that, a special soup: svartsoppa. This means "black soup" and is the liquid equivalent of black pudding, meaning it's made from blood. Those who have tried it - I've never had the opportunity nor the inclination - say it tastes somewhat like liquified gingerbread, sweet and aromatically spicy.

The meal should be finished with an apple cake - that's really the most appealing part to me!


glamah16 said...

I love goose. You have a day for cooking and eating goose? Funny its on a weekday.

Phyllis said...

I've only had rost goose for Christmas, but it sounds very good with the apples and prunes. The svartsoppa sounds rather nice as well.

Anne said...

Glamah, it's because it's always on Nov. 11 - St Martin's day, or here in Sweden, Mårten's day. :)

Pille said...

Interesting. We were supposed to eat goose ('mardihani') on Monday, which was St Martin's day (Mardipäev). We didn't, but we've had goose for Christmas - if it's well roasted, it can be very, very delicious :)

Anonymous said...

Jag googlade efter ett recept på knäck på engelska för att dela med mig av till mina amerikanska vänner och ramlade över din blog! WOW säger jag bara! Tackar tackar för alla recept!

Anonymous said...

Kul att träffas över smarrig lunch idag. Har kikat runt lite på bloggen, jäklar va ambitiös du är. Imponerande! Detta får bli ett nytt inspirationsvattenhål! Vi ses på torsdag. Stort lycka till!

Feline Flodin said...

Mhm, skånsk äpplekaka (!) då - isch. ;P