My little girls are nine weeks old now, and I'm getting so attached to them. They really are quite darling, especially Klara who keeps coming up to me, laying down in lap and purring loudly. I have no idea how I'll be able to let them move out in three weeks time - it feels unreal.

They've finally caught on to the idea of eating cat food. Reluctantly, but still. Klara loves everything else, and will do anything to get on the table when we're eating. So far, she seems to like Indian food, roasted fennel, ice cream, buttermilk, sandwiches, cheese, ham, crepes with mushroom filling, chicken and just about anything else that we've let her try. (And we really shouldn't - I know her new mommy is quite strict about kitty diets, but believe me, it's hard to resist.)

Look at that tummy!
Last night, I had the bright idea to place some of her boring dry food on our apparently irresistible coffee table - and she immediately galloped over to gulp it all down. Success!

Possibly my favorite kitten picture ever.
For the full Flickr set, check here.

Kelly really loves being a mom.
Ohhhh - your favourite kitten pic just became mine as well! Seriously, Anne: http://www.cuteoverload.com/
the fav picture looks you know... hmm... kinda... well you know, freaky ;)
Your favorite photo is now mine too. Hilarious.
What a beautiful kittens you have, they are lovely. I also have a white little girl like yours and she is very conceited, although she lives with the other 3 pekinese dogs, they get along pretty well.
the kitties are wonderful. And I love the picture with Kelly. She is so regal.
The smiling kitty is the cutest. They all are! You are taking such good care of them, Anne!
Söta katter Anne självklart kan du bara äta dessert hos oss om du känner för det mvh Daniel
Wow. Fantastic photos!
Oh Anne - ROTFLMAO!!!!! That "laughing kitten pic is just too too much! ALl the pics are gorgeous and no, I also don't know how you're going to let them go...
men herregud får man vara så otroligt söta? Jag svimmar!
sååå sööta!!jag gillar alla bilder!!!
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