Pick & Mix, or as it's called here, smågodis (= small candy) is hugely popular in Sweden. You'll find it everywhere - in every single grocery store, and in many small convenience stores as well. It's usually a very large selection. I admit that I'm rather hooked on it myself, despite the artificial colorings and additives.
Here are some of my faves - sour octopus in neon colors, raspberry-flavored race cars, foam chanterelles, chewy fruit squares, hard salty licorice, and rhubarb sticks.
Salty licorice. I've never tried it salty.
what about sweedish fish? haha. so i've been seeing more and more writing online about candy recently. maybe it was because of v-day, maybe not. but i like it. this site, OneForTheTable did a ton of candy and chocolate pieces. yummy.
Hi, Anne! Lovely site!
When in your marvellous city 2 years ago (i`ve been your fan since then) i bought loads of this stuff. And i still remember the taste of the most peculiar and queer varieties.
I`m always eager to bring home some regional specialities from my journeys, but those skull-shaped licorice candies! Oh my! That was an experience!
anne..! din blogg är grym..!
your blog is absolutely awesome. and the photos are great. found it through my sister kinnas blog and i immediately fell in love with those valentine hearts of yours.
not to mention assorted candy in a red marimekko. to good to be true.
im definitely gonna keep reading - and promoting :)
Amy - it's very popular here :)
Jeremby - ha, I was actually so surprised when I was in the US to encounter Swedish fish.. we have gummy fish, but it's never been anything special abaout it.. and it's not at all called Swedish fish :) I'm actually not so sure they're the same, either.
Tanya - I can imagine some of them being quite strange! :)
Elina - ooh, welcome! I love your book, you're so talented!
oh thank you so much..!
Charming photo! The foam chanterelles sound like fun. (I think I'll stay away from the hard salty licorice ... but I still like the regular stuff.)
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