Yes, I *hate* posting without photos so I've been holding this post back for a while, but I'm sorry, I'm going to have to do it anyway. I just plain forgot to photograph these goodies, but they're too good not to have a write-up, so, well, here we go anyway.
They make perfect portion-sized little squares, that are really convenient to have at hand in the freezer.
Carrot Sunflower Bread
500 ml (2 cups) tepid water
50 g fresh yeast
50 ml dark syrup (molasses will work well)
2 tbsp sunflower oil or other neutral oil
100 ml (0,4 cups) sunflower seeds
1 large carrot, grated
1 tsp salt
300 ml (1,2 cups) coarse rye flour
300 ml (1,2 cups) fine rye flour
200 ml (0,8 cups) rye-wheat flour (rågsikt in Swedish, a mix between wheat and fine rye flour basically)
500 ml (2 cups) wheat flour
pinch of cinnamon (optional)
Crumble the yeast in a big bowl and pour the tepid water over it. Stir until the yeast is dissolved. Add syrup, oil, salt, sunflower seeds, grated carrot, cinnamon if you like, and all of the rye flour. Add the rest of the flour gradually and work into a firm dough. Leave to prove for at least 40 minutes. Press into a large, greased roasting pan and score into 24 squares. Prove again for 30 minutes. Bake at 225°C for 20-25 minutes.
Recipe in Swedish:
Morotsbröd med solrosfrön
I love the recipe even with out pics
Will be trying it.
posting a recipe without photos is quite challenging for beginners who started cooking like me.
hopefully everything will be ok!! :)
Hej Anne! Nu har jag lagt upp en mailadress, tack för att du påminde mig! Jag ser fram emot fint besök på torsdag!
I loved the Avocado Tzatziki
recipe. Will try it, would be great with tortilla chips I reckon.
The recipe looks great and the sunflower makes a lovely pic!
I slo like the Crispy eggs and will definitely give it a try.
Great blog!
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