Per and I had this great pad thai last weekend at Bangkok Thai, a tiny place on Värmdö. Worth a trip - it was one of the best pad thais I've had here in Stockholm. Yum! Their webpage says that the restaurant is sold though - I don't know if we ate their with the old owners, or new owners - but it was really good.

I had lunch with Pia at Café Lola last week. Very cute little place, and a tasty-sounding menu. I had a grilled sandwich with figs, blue cheese and honey-caramelized pistachios - as good as it sounds! Pia had a halloumi sandwich with lemon and chilli, and was also pleased. I liked that they included a little bowl of fresh fruit salad (and for Pia, half an apple) - that was a nice touch.

The lattes were ok - but not great.
Pad thai(en) ser underbar ut, en riktigt generös hög med krossade jordnötter! Förresten kom jag på att du kanske helst vill att alla kommentarer är på engelska, ska ta mig i kragen till nästa gång.
Nejnej, det är helt okej att kommentera på svenska också :) Och jaaa, SÅ mycket jordnötter. Jättegott!
I really like the sound of a grilled sandwich with figs, blue cheese and honey-caramelized pistachios, Do you by any chance know the best way to cook figs, so I could try this?
Holler - this sandwich had dried figs actually, probably just sliced in half and stuck in their. For fresh, I'd grill them for a minute or so in a hot pan.
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