Friday, April 20, 2007

Finally Friday!


Well, it'd be better if I wasn't working all weekend. Which I am. I'm currently in the city of Örebro, at a conference, and I'll be here until Sunday. I'm already a little bit homesick, which doesn't exactly bode well. But I'm mostly just tired - because last night, Dagmar and I attended a really great awards show hosted by the largest dairy company in Sweden (and I think, Europe), Arla Foods. It was wonderful - and I promise to tell you all about it when I'm back home. But let me just say that the menu was created by Swedish Chef of the Year Tommy Myllymäki, and the dessert by Swedish Pastry Chef of the year Mattias Ljungberg. And especially the dessert was absolutely heaven.

Speaking of heaven. Look at that picture up there. It's one of the simplest starters you can make, but it makes a super appetizer. Just cut halloumi cheese nice logs, wrap with bacon, and bake in the oven (200 degrees C) for about 15-20 minutes - until the bacon is nice and crisp.


Kittymama said...

Yum...that looks delicious, Ann. And the cheese stays firm after 15-20 min in the oven?

Brilynn said...

So simple and yet so delicious...

Anonymous said...

Örebro som är en så trevlig stad:-)

ugnen said...

Men om du nu är här så måste du testa EastWest Sushi! Det är typ den godaste sushin som finns (med reservation för att jag inte ätit på Hattori Sushi Devil ;)).

Anne said...

Kittymama - yes, it really does :) Halloumi is so cool - I love cooking with it!

Lejonmamman - åh, det hade jag sååå gärna gjort. Tyvärr är det rätt trångt med tid. :( Får bli nästa gång :)