Juliet and Hamlet
Time for another cat post! The kittens are three weeks now. They're fully mobile, but they haven't discovered the world outside their small box just yet. They can hold up their head just fine and walk, a little bit. Glinda was a bit better with not ruining the photo shoot this week - I'm very grateful. More photos to be found here.




Så söta kattungar! Synd att dom växer så fort.
Shit vilka bilder!! Helt fantastiska..
åhå, det känns som om de skulle passa fint i mitt äppelträd, jag blir aldleles knäsvag!
Dom är såå söta! Jättefina bilder!
juliet is a gentle girl, jupiter is really a puma, julius is a resolute general :p their names are suit them and they are all cute of course:)
De är såååå söta! Jag blir helt sjuk när jag ser dem. VARFÖR är min sambo superallergisk mot katter???!!! :-(
So so cute. I'm a little bit afraid to visit, two cats are enough ... for now.
Wow, what a blog! Cats and cooking? Count me in your regular visitors from now on. Really nice to be here. Greetings from Greece!
Hi! Greetings from m'sia.... is that ur kitten? they are adorable....
Åh så söta!
They are just too cute! :-)
awww too cute! :)
They're sooooo cute!
Not to be redundant, but they are just too cute!
Can you stand one more absolutely awe-struck reader--how cute are these kittens????
wow, they are fantastic, your kittens and your pictures!
Greetings from West Los Angeles, CA:
I love this blog! Great food ideas, great pictures of food and, just as important -- CATBLOGGING!
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