This is a great little thing to make when you have leftover garlic. I recently found myself with a whole bunch of garlic - at least five or six bulbs - and they were starting to smell. I didn't want to throw them out - how wasteful! - but I had to do something fast. This was just the ticket. Garlic confit keeps well in the fridge for a few weeks, and both the oil and the roasted garlic cloves give great flavor to many dishes. Try it in a risotto, mmm...
Anyway, it's simple. Peel a number of garlic cloves - say 20-30. Put them in a small saucepan, and pour over olive oil until the cloves are just about covered. Heat gently and let simmer for about half an hour. Let the whole thing cool, and transfer to a clean glass jar. Keep in the fridge.
Recipe in Swedish:
Confiterad Vitlök
Here's another suggestion for the next time you get stuck with a few heads of garlic:
Slice off the top of the unpeeled garlic head, exposing a bit of the cloves. Drizzle olive oil and lightly coat the garlic heads. Wrap in tinfoil and bake in oven for approximately 35-40 minutes, until garlic is all soft and sweet.the garlic can then be squeezed out of the skins and spread on bread.
This is a great use for leftover garlic, and a way to extend it's life. I grow my own, so I always have too much. This is a great way to hold on to it and save my extra - thanks for the tip!
hi Anee
May I know what can i use this garlic for?
Lola - thank you, baking it like that is great indeed!
Matt - oh, you grow your own! Nice! I should - we have plenty of space :)
Karlsfoodie - well, anything really! But for a place to start, try the next recipe, for Chicken Risotto. That's very nice.
What a wonderful simple idea. Going try this myself!
Lola, This is in Anthony Bourdaine's cookbook as well. He adds a bit of thyme for a punch of flavor. The garlic confit is great to flavor pork loin and then roast. (also in the cookbook)
Hi Anne,
just one remark on your recipe; garlic confit does not keep well at all! It should be thrown out after a couple of days in the fridge as it lends itself to forming bacteria that cause botulism. Other than that, good stuff indeed!
garlic confit baked in an oven at 120degC for 2 hours will not harbour any harmful bacteria, at that temp it would be sterilised. Store in a sterilised, airtight jar and it will keep for 3 mths in a fridge quite safely. You can also make a great chilli confit, both can be drizzled over pizzas and plain pasta for delicious authentic Italian dishes.
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