Last weekend, we visited Zetas Trädgård - "Zetas Garden". It's a lovely place - a plant nursery, and also a café. They have a beautiful large property in Kungens Kurva with lots of dwindling walkways between thousands of plants and trees. We're considering putting in a new tree and taking down our elderflower which is sadly infected by bugs every year. Choosing between apple and cherry - not sure yet.
Anyway. We tried two of the many pies that were on offer. I had the one up top, with a thick caramel layer on a crunchy oatmeal-coconut bottom, and Per had this beauty with pineapples and passion fruit. Very tasty.

Next time, I think I'll try to go there for lunch, because some of what they were serving looked and smelled really great. Impressive, as they had a tiny tiny kitchen!
Zetas Trädgård
G:a Södertäljevägen 194
141 70 Segeltorp - Kungens Kurva
Mina ex-svärföräldrar hade ett spaljekörsbärsträd som gav massor av körsbär och ganska snabbt, annars kan jag rekommendera ett familjeträd, ett sånt med 5 sorters äpplen på.
Mmmm Anne, that looks awesome!
Well... What is easiest to buy - good apples or good cherries?
I always like to grow things I can't find so easily in my local supermarket.
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