Monday, September 18, 2006


The election is finally over, and it looks like I can relax. With the preliminary counting of the votes, it seems like there are three things to be happy about.

1. We have a new goverment!
2. I probably got into local parliament!
3. I will probably continue to be employed! (nice one)

I promise to go back to more normal food blogging tomorrow. For now, just for inspiration - a peach salad with thinly sliced red onions, and a simple garlic lemon vinaigrette. It was great with a piece of grilled beef.


The Öbergs said...

Do you know anything yet? Good luck!

Pene said...

Congratulations on helping to make history!! Have fun while making new policies!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Hi Anne's nice salad! Add peach to salad is new to me...must try one day.

Bean said...

The Swedish elections were mentioned in The Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper) today. I was pretty sure Sweden had a new government but I wasn't sure what it meant for you personally. Will you keep your full-time job while serving in local Parliament?

Anonymous said...

Grattis! Jag är SÅ himla glad! Jag röstade på folkpartiet i skolvalet, men jag ska gå med i MUF, partierna skiljer sig ej särkilt mycket ifrån varandra och jag vill vara med och fortsätta att liberalisera Moderaterna. Jag anser att partierna borde slås ihop om ett tag. Idag firade jag med min favvoriträtt: sushi!

Anna said...

Congratulations on the election! And the peach salad looks great.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all three things Anne! how exciting!

Ehva said...

GRATTIS syrran.....

Pille said...

Congrats, Anne! You've obviously worked hard for this, so it must feel great to succeed!

AnyasGardenPerfumes said...

Mazel tov, Anne -- the election made the nightly news here. Get out some champagne and your best recipe to go with it and celebrate.

Rachael Narins said...

Mazel Tov indeed!

YIPEEE! I knew you could do it!

This recipe sounds amazing...I will make it tonight for sure.


Jeanne said...

Congratulations Anne! A friend of mine was elected to local government last year and she is happier now than she has ever been before. I have no doubt that you will make a huge success of it. And the idea of that sweet yet tangy salad with a nice piece of meat is just fabulous :-)