It's summer, so I drink Pimm's. This great little beverage was introduced to me last summer, at a food blogger picnic in Henley, outside London. It was love at first sip.
Actually, it was love way before that. See, in many of my English novels - Jilly Cooper especially comes to mind - all the characters drink Pimm's in the summer. And I was always wondering, longing to try it. No Pimm's in Sweden, you see. So it was pretty great to finally get to try it. I bought a couple of bottles to bring home, and we're working our way through them. Good thing I have another London trip planned this summer, because I seriously need to re-stock!
How do you make it, you might ask? Well, I have no idea what's in the bottle - a secret mix, apparently - but you just take that, mix with lemonade of some sort (I use Sprite or 7-up) and toss in a bunch of cut-up fruit like strawberries and oranges. And don't forget the cucumber, it's essential.
Do I see some celery in that as well, or is that the cucumber?
I have only had Pimm´s once and liked it so much I got the most magnificent hangover ever. Too much fruit, I think ;-)Maybe it is for the best you can´t find it here in Sweden...
Hi Anne,
I use the Times wine critic's 'Cheat's Pimms' every summer:
1 measure 40 per cent gin
1 measure French or Italian red vermouth
1/2 measure Bols Orange Curaçao
A slice each of lemon, orange, cucumber
Sprig of mint and borage (optional)
Lemonade or ginger beer
Use a good, flavoursome 40 per cent or more gin, such as Tanqueray's divine
angelica-scented 47.3 per cent Export Strength London Dry Gin. Mix and give the ingredients a chance to marry with a slice each of fresh lemon, orange and cucumber per person - a couple of fresh strawberries look summery, too, as do extras such as mint and borage. Just before serving, top up with ice-cold fizzy lemonade or ginger beer. The best proportions are one part Cheat's Pimm's to four parts mixer, but if you want
a weaker drink, try five parts of mixer to one of Cheat's Pimm's.
--When you're in London, you can get the Bols Orange Curacao at that fantastic liquor shop in the middle of Soho. It's easier to bring that back on the plane to 'seed' lots and lots of Pimms back home, where you can easily get your gin and vermouth.
Which Pimms? There are several "cups."
My favorite spring drink is Pimms No. 1 with seltzer and a squeeze of lime. That's all, but everyone who's had it raves.
Tnp - no, no evil stuff ;) It's cucumber, but peeled. Sure looks a lot like celery!
Clivia - should I bring you a bottle then? ;)
Andrew - ooh, very informative! Thank you!
Phillyukgirl - THANK YOU!! *that* was certainly interesting.
Kevin - It's no 1 :)
This drink reminds me of Spanish Sangria which is made from wine and mixed with fresh fruit. It's really good. I wonder if Pimm's is available in the States. I may just have to check it out!
Pimms is available in the US, I buy a bottle every year.
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