Christmas time for me means a lot of things, but one of them is definitely giving to those in need. I used to be politically active in a youth organization for many years, and I've spent many hours collecting money in a campaign called "Christmas here, Starvation there". (Ok, slightly catchier in Swedish.)
Food bloggers are this year uniting to collect money for Unicef and the earthquake victims in NorthernIndia and Pakistan. The organizer is Pim, and she's doing it this way: She has had food bloggers sign up to donate prizes, and she's organizing a raffle! Basically, you donate $5 to Unicef, and get a virtual raffle ticket for the prize of your choice. And of course, you can buy as many raffle tickets as you want. You can see the full list of prizes here.
I'm donating a cookbook, a real staple in any Swedish kitchen: Swedish Cakes and Cookies. It's sold millions of copies in Swedish, but it's just recently been translated. The original name is "Sju sorters Kakor" which translates into "7 types of cookies" - and that really says a lot about this Swedish cookie culture which I would actually almost compare to our way of eating tapas. Traditionally, a hostess (and it is always a hostess) should serve up 7 types of cakes and cookies for a coffee party. And you should have some variation. Thus, you need a book!
Delicious cakes and cookies - so head on over to the donation site and enter "Anne's Food" or "Swedish cakes and cookies" in the comment section. You can win this great cookbook, or any of the other prizes if you so choose, but best of all, you'll be helping a lot of needy people in the process! Merry christmas!

1 comment:
God Bless the "Menu For Hope" Campaign!
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