Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Strawberry merengue cake

Few things spell Swedish summer more than a cake with strawberries. For Swedes, strawberries are sacred - they're available for a short period, and during those weeks, people eat as much as they possibly can. I still haven't seen any Swedish strawberries (and of course, they are much better than all the others) but there has been some nice Belgian ones around for a while.

A few days ago, Per came home with something strange. It was two small cartons of strawberry cream. As in strawberry-flavored whipping cream. Weird. Very weird. But, they had been giving them away as samples at the store, and I thought I'd give it a go. I couldn't think of that much to do with it (a mousse? Maybe...) so my mind quickly landed on strawberry cake. Off to the store again to get merengue meringue rounds (we were in a hurry, so no time to bake my own pavlovas) and some strawberries. Then it was just a matter of assembly.

You can see that the cream is really pink. Well, it was. And did it taste good? Sure. It was fine - not very sweet, and with a pronounced strawberry (as in strawberry ice cream) flavor. But it's not something I'd buy on my own. And I'm still wondering what to do with the second one, that's still left. Oh well. :)

And here's another pic of it, just for good measure. You can see that there's a bundle of sliced berries in the middle layer, too.


Anonymous said...

Hej Anne!
Du gor valdigt mumsig mat och tar fina bilder! Men som den fotograf-wannabee jag ar kan jag inte hjalpa att lagga marke till en sak och tankte ge ett konstruktivt tips. Ofta har du en skugga i dina bilder i nederkanten, formodligen skuggan av ditt huvud. Detta skulle enkelt undvikas genom att ha ljuset fran ett annat hall eller mer uppifran.
Tack for bra site och hoppas du fortsatter ta fina bilder (med eller utan huvudskugga ;)

Anne said...

Annette - hey, that's not a bad idea at all! Thank you!

Foto-toka - tack så jättemycket för kommentarerna. Skuggan, som verkligen är SJUKT irriterande, är inte av mitt huvud utan av kamerans objektiv. Verkligen jättejobbigt. Funderar starkt på att köpa en extern blixt, och rikta uppåt - men den blixt jag verkligen vill ha är lite väl dyr, och de har i och för sig släppt en i mer mellanprisläge, men jag är osäker på om den är tillräckligt bra. Gaaaah.. Det rör sig alltså om en Olympus 8080WZ. Vet du? :)

Anonymous said...

Tyvarr kan jag inte hjalpa dig dar, jag kor gammal hederlig analog systemkamera och till den (om det verkligen kravs) en billig SunPak blixt. Trakigt att de konstruerat kameran pa det sattet! Inte mycket att gora da (mer an att undvika att anvanda blixten mojligtvis). Lycka till

Niki said...

Yummy yummy yummy! And pink too!
PS - I admit I had a bit of a giggle; I think you mean 'meringue'. Merengue is a type of Latin American dance where people throw themselves around the dance floor. Not that I'd mind throwing myself in your cake.... ;-)

Anne said...

Niki - haha, well, good point. :)

foto-toka - Synd ja, jag försöker fota utan blixt rätt ofta, men då gäller det att ha bra ljus. Det är just närbilder som blir så här, men matbilder är ju oftast nära...

Anonymous said...

Mmmm.... looks really yummy!

Anonymous said...


Calling from Portugal, my name's Ana and i would like to tell you that your recipe seems to be really yummy!