Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Welcome, kittens!

We got new kittens yesterday. Meet the new little darlings:

Number One:

Number Two:

Number Three:

We're still thinking about names. We do keep to both a first letter, and to a theme. For example, or C-litter was named Cato, Cleo, Caruso and Cuatro. (Well, it's a loose theme.) E-litter was singers - Elton, Edith and Eminem. So, the starting letter for this litter is probably going to be H. (We have had C, D, E, F and G - no A or B) I'm thinking spices/condiments - can you think of any starting with H? I have three nice ones - Harissa, Habanero and Honey. (Hummous - but I personally hate that, and would never name a cute kitty something so vile. Sorry all hummouslovers. Maybe I haven't met the right one yet.)

Please help if you have any good ideas!


Danno said...

Those are the cutest things I've seen in my life!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, how cute! I'm in love with the striped one...I hope you decide to name him/her Habanero. I'm drawing a blank on other spices starting with H....hmm, that should give me something to think about all day!

Zarah Maria said...

OMG!! They are ADORABLE Anne! How 'bout Hops? (as in the herb used in beer?)

Anonymous said...

(With masculinity in tact) I can firmly state that these are the most adorable creatures ever culled for the home.

Nic said...

Aww! How could you not just love kittens!
The only other H spice (of sorts) I could come up with was horseraddish and that is not a great name for a kitten. What about Hazelnut?

Anonymous said...

I think you should name them something like basil, oregano, and chives..But I'm a total nerd and think that would be the cats meow!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, those kittens are very lovely; all kittens are, or rather - all cats are - just remember to give them nice names. I remember a breeder I once met, who gave her first batch of kittens their respective names after Italian soccer-players. The second batch was named after Greek gods. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

hoisin, horseradish, hibiscus

Bar L. said...

As I sit here looking at your adorable kittens one of my three cats (the huge orange and white male) pounced on my petite sweet little female and attacked her.

Very cute, kittens!!!

The Smoking Redhead said...

OMGosh, they are so cute. I too am in love with the little stripey one. If you weren't so far away I would beg you to let me give him/her a good home.


Anonymous said...

do you wonder what they're thinking looking into your big non feline face?

Anonymous said...

They are so adorable!!! British shorthair kittens are absolutely the cutest ones!!!

debbie koenig said...

Oh. My. God. That stripey one looks just like our Samuel, the cat I DIDN'T blog about today since he didn't do anything foody.

Personally, I think he looks like a Horseradish. Herbes de Provence would be a little unwieldy for such a tiny fellow.

Anonymous said...

Anne, I can't believe how tiny they are! I hope they all get better soon...

the baker said...

hi there! happened to chance upon your site and saw the pictures of your lovely kittens! i think they're simply adorable... i adore kittens and have always wanted some of my own!!! looking at your just makes me wanna go to the pet shop and buy one... =)

anyway nice blog you have here too. i just started my own food blog after discovering the online food blog community.. turns out there are alot of people out there who share the same passion for food as i do! well i know that's not surprising... after all... who would pass up on good food? do visit my food blog if you like:
