
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Kitten pictures!

juliet 9v8
Juliet, looking innocent.

Nine weeks old, and real bandits, I'll tell you. You'd never think that tiny kittens could make so much noise. Or such a mess. They got their first shots this week, and will move out in - gulp - three. Such a short time!

Flickr set here.

julius 9v2
Julius, being very cute.

jamy 9v3
Jamy, with intent to kill.

jupiter 9v10
Jupiter, having found a great sunspot.


  1. I'm so glad that I will meet the darlings tomorrow :-)

  2. Jag önskar att jag kunde komma i morgon, både för praktiska plastvaror och söta kattungar!

  3. Humlan, ja, det hade väl varit alldeles perfekt! Kan du inte det då? :)

    Dagmar - you're so welcome :)

  4. How gorgeous those little monsters are ! Stumbled upon your Blog and before I could get to the recipes I couldn't help but notice the kittens and obviously comment on their cuteness.

  5. Hello from the USA....I love your kitties. I have three of my own.vngyg
