
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lentil-fried fish


Let me tell you about another great dish that Per made a couple of nights ago. He ground red lentils until they resembled a fine powder, and used this to coat fillets of firm, white fish. (Cod works very well.) They were then pan-fried, and served with a shrimp spinach risotto. A real treat! I really liked this unique new way to cook fish - it added crunch and texture, and color, too.


  1. That sounds delicious! But what did he use to grind the lentils? A coffee grinder? Food processor? Grain mill? I'd love to try it.

  2. Nicole Marie - you could use any of those. He used a small food processor, a little gadget that attaches to our handheld mixer. Anything would work fine though! :)

  3. Absolutely delicious. In Scotland we have these orange breadcumbs which come in a box which everyone seems to enjoy (full of preservatives and goodness knows what else). Just so tasty and delicious. I think this is going to be a weekly favourite. Anne, do you have a recipe for the risotto?

  4. Anne, not an exact one! Per made it. I know it was pretty much a basic risotto with added shrimp at the last minute, and some fresh baby spinach and red peppers.
