
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tosca pastries from Gateau

What's this? Oh, only one of the most heavenly pastries ever thought up. It's a danish (wienerbröd in Swedish), topped with vanilla custard and caramelized almonds, pistachios, walnuts and hazelnuts. And who makes this? Not me - sorry to say - but Gateau Bakery does. They were, not surprisingly, chosen as "pastry bakery of the year". Well deserved, in my opinion.

If you're in Stockholm, pay them a visit - they have a couple of locations, and I usually go to the one right here in Nacka, which is their main bakery nowadays. (Although just a very tiny serving area, so if you want to eat there, choose the one in Sturegallerian instead.)


  1. OMG!!! I'm drooling... *trying to find out how to get to Ektorp as fast as possible*

  2. Hmm, not exactly walking distance so I'm going to try with Gallerian or Sturegallerian after work instead :-) Sorry for spamming :-)

  3. I agree with Dagmar; those look absolutely delicious! Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, AND hazelnuts? Surely there's not a better mix of nuts. I'm now very hungry, but alas, there are no bakeries nearby. I really need to consider a trip to Sweden to taste all these wonderful things!

  4. Jag älskar Gateaus chokladmoussetårta. Fast man kommer sig kanske inte för att käka där eftersom Sturehof ligger så nära.
