
Monday, January 10, 2011

Try Swedish food in the UK!

One of my readers kindly sent me this link, to alert me that Waitrose - a UK food chain - are letting customers try out a lot of Swedish food this winter!

Scandinavian food is now poised to make a splash in Britain, according to an independent trends report called Food Watching commissioned by Waitrose.

The simplicity of light Nordic cuisine together with its use of pared-down, high quality ingredients are its main attractions, the report says.

The trials will run until the end of February, so get thee to a Waitrose, if you're anywhere near one! I think you'll all love the Västerbotten Cheese - it's like Swedish parmesan, and it's certainly a staple in my kitchen. (Plus, Titus loves snacking on it - and so do I.)


  1. I LOVE Västerbotten cheese - sadly it's not available here in Estonia, so I need to beg friends to bring me some back from Sweden every now and then :)

  2. I wish there were Waitroses in the U.S. as well as Västerbotten cheese!

  3. jill - from Devon, UKJanuary 14, 2011 6:29 PM

    Folks in the UK can also get scandinavian food from the Scandinavian Kitchen in London who have an online shop
