
Monday, September 20, 2010

A short post on politics

Well, I feel I need to write a few lines about my life outside of the blog, and to explain why I haven't been posting as much. See, I went back to work in August, after having been home with Titus for a full fifteen months. I work in politics, for the Swedish liberal party. And our national elections were yesterday.

So, I've been a bit busy. And now that the elections are over, I wish I could say everything's just peachy but the truth is that it looks pretty grim. My party did a reasonable result, but on a national level, a far right-wing party with racism on the agenda gained enough seats to have an important role in Swedish politics and that just plain sucks.

So, I'm a bit moody today. I'm sure things will get back to normal eventually, but for now.. bear with me!


  1. Det blev nog inte riktigt som någon tänkt sig och lite som ett antiklimax för alla, oavsett höger eller vänster, som jobbat som tokiga under valkampanjen.
    Det är en lite tung och ledsam dag att vakna till men jag har hopp om framtiden. Vi löser detta - tillsammans.

  2. I feel for you. I'm living in Denmark, and naturally, we've been following this Swedish election closely. It's interesting, I learned at school that history is an important subject to learn, so that you don't end up repeating the bad stuff. How untrue that seems to be now. Albeit it's worse here in DK, with DF and Pia Kjærsgaard, but it's a slippery slope and it won't take long for SD to wriggle their way in to a more powerful position. Thankfully, Reinfeldt is quite outspoken about his view on them, opposed to our right wing party leaders.

    Good luck on keeping politics in Sweden sane!

  3. Being Austrian I know EXACTLY how you feel...

  4. It's the double edge of Democracy.

    It sucks when you lose :(

    Relax Anne, you do not have the Stupid nephew of Mussolini as prime Minister.

    And I do noit live in Belgium for the weather -_-"

  5. Oh, it is a sad day that the Sweden Democrats get significant power in parliament.
    I think it is up to the Liberal parties in Sweden to show the populace that although it will take work, a liberal, egalitarian society can exist even with a large immigrant population.
    Although Swedish cultural identity seems at risk, one must look realistically at what it actually is, and understand that tradition and progress can go hand in hand.
    This percieved threat of cultural invasion is not something that cannot be addressed, though it will require a degree of assimilation, and a degree of tolerance, and hence effort on both sides. This would be to the benefit of all.
    There is strength in diversity, and it would be foolish to ignore this. It would be a great loss for the country for this swing to the right to go any further. Let's hope people realise this.

  6. I'm so sorry for you and the other Swedish people. In Holland we've the same problem. A big part of the summer has been used to seek a solution in how to deal with the PVV (right wing.
    But as Capricorn says; this is also democracy. The only constructive thing we can do is to teach our children that we live in a multicultural world and have to make the best of it with each other.

  7. Hi Anne,

    I've been lurking for a while but this seems like a good time to add my two cents.

    1. I very much empathize with how you feel right now; I am not Swedish, but have had a similar experience in my own country, with the political landscape getting progressively worse over time. I see others feel the same about the situation where they live, and I'm sure it's much worse when you're closely involved in politics, as you are. I hope things will turn out well in the long term.

    2. I never realized you'd gone back to work! It didn't seem like the blog wasn't updated frequently and the content is still great.

  8. Thank you all so much for commenting. I really do feel a bit better now, you've helped me put things in perspective. And while frightening, it's something that's happening all over Europe. It's not the end of the world - or at least I sure don't hope it is :)

  9. I live in the United States, and having endured 8 years of Bush-Cheney, I am very excited to have Obama in office. I believe the political swings aren't simply random events...they reflect some aspect of the culture. They also motivate individual citizens to act on issues important to them. In the U.S. many folks want more from Obama...I say ask more from yourselves. Take the change you want. Afterall, this was Obama's overriding takes all of us to make a country worth living in.

  10. I'm a Finnish girl living in the UK (after living in Sweden, Lux and Belgium as well) I follow the Finnish ans Swedish newspapers on a daily basis and was quite shocked about the results in the Swedish election. Hope people will realise what a mistake they made in voting for this party, at least by the time the next election takes place. Tack for alla recipes! :-)

  11. Anna -- I feel for you. I live close to Washington DC and also work as a liberal in politics. We have our election in November and the press is calling for a right-wing landslide. I hope they are so wrong. I wish it were not true for you.

  12. Congratulation for your job, it's really a great contribution to public life. I can image how it could be difficult.
    Being Italian I feel very far from my real life politics, and not oly for the reason mentioned by Capricorn in comments. You take the necessary step: being active.
    About racism,it's something that surprise for its stupidity.
