
Friday, June 18, 2010

Rhubarb tartlets

Yuuuu-um! A friend made these incredible rhubarb tartlets, with puff
pastry, honey and grated white chocolate. Irresistable!


  1. they look irresistable, indeed :)

  2. They sound great! There's a recipe for a cardamom rhubarb tart in the current issue of Sunset magazine that looks similar to these. I'm curious about it, because it calls for such a small amount of sugar, and rhubarb are so tart. Do you know about how much went into this recipe?

  3. D - just a little, and it was definitely sweet enough. I *think* she brushed the pastry with honey, then rhubarb, then sugar, and finally grated white chocolate.

  4. Haha, those are mine! I´ve been working so much since then, haven't checked the RSS-reader.

    For 8 tartlets, one hand long each, there is about 3 spoons of honey as "glue" and 3 spoons of brown sugar. On the top about 5-6 spoons of grated white choklate. It is sweet enough. :)
