
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday dinner

So good, so simple. A roasted chicken, on top of roasted new potatoes
and carrots, with a mustardy cole slaw. Delicious!!


  1. Looks delicious... what spices do you put on the chicken and what kind of mustard, Dijon?

  2. John, you're forcing me to reveal that the chicken was bought ready-spiced! :) I usually wouldn't get that, but it was nearing it's sell-by date and thus heavily discounted and well, it looked good! And it was great! It had mainly paprika, onion and garlic, and thyme.

    The mustard was a grainy sweet Swedish variety - lovely in the slaw!

  3. Oh that sounds good. I just got in the habit of making chicken legs once in a while and it's funny, I sometimes bake them and just eat all of them cold. I somehow like that... I have a gift set of spices that are great with chicken and I add a little vinegar and garlic too. Then I sometimes add some feta salad dressing.

  4. Wow that Looks Great! I had spicy curry for lunch on Sunday, but yours looks much better!
