
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Raspberry thumbprint cookies


Whew! Back home, got everything in order, and am now gearing up for Titus first birthday party. Which is on Friday. And Saturday. And Sunday. Yes, we have a lot of guests! It's a lot of fun preparing for it, of course, but also a bit stressful. I'm trying to prepare some things in advance - like these delicious cookies! They're perfect to have at hand in the freezer! And obviously - you can use any jam you like.

Raspberry thumbprint cookies
(printable recipe)
makes 40

240 g flour
55 g potato flour (potato starch)
90 g sugar
2 tbsp vanilla sugar (or the seeds of one vanilla bean)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
200 g unsalted butter, cold
50-100 ml raspberry jam

Mix all the dry ingredients - everything but the butter, and the jam. Dice the butter, add it and work quickly into a smooth dough. It's easiest using a stand mixer or a food processor, but it can be done by hand, too. Don't overwork it!

Divide the dough into 40 equal parts - mine weighed between 15-17 gram. Roll each into a small ball, and place in a small paper cup. Press with a fingertip to make a small well in each cookie. Fill with a little bit of jam.

Bake at 200°C for 10-12 minutes. Don't let the cookies color too much!

Recipe in Swedish:


  1. Oooh Happy Birthday, Titus! 3 whole days of festivities! Wow! I see lots of gifts coming for the little guy! Love these cookies - more like little pastries than cookies. A great snack treat!

  2. Those look amazing!!!
